No sensitive information is required to register for PAL products and/or services. The information collected, name, zip code, contact email, contact phone, local tax rate, market sector and any company information, form the basis of your online password-protected profile. Having your profile stored here keeps you from reentering the information every time you make a calculation, request information, buy or sell vehicles, or enter drawings, contests, raffles, and other functions in the premises.


Welcome to our web of protection. You are now under the protection of Corporate Crime Fighters Organization, a Washington State nonprofit who is also the beneficiary of our non profit entities on closure. There are no security risks on this site because no personal identification information is contained here. Yet, PAL incorporates the same level of security as PAL employs in FDIC Banks and Supreme Court software. When applicable PAL's bank-level security software transfers your encrypted data directly to the  source  for loans or lease lenders, employers, universities, etcetera, bypassing the vendors employees and all other entities. Electronic information is then encrypted and archived in a civil document vault for the duration of time required by the industry and government.


PAL does not request or accept applications for credit so FACTA (Fair and Accurate Credit Transactions Act) Red Flag compliance does not apply to this Site. PAL manages several domains that do require credit/employment applications. You will be notified and informed of the safe PAL procedures for handling sensitive information on those sites.


Cookies are crummy. PAL does not use technical cookies. We never pass any information into or from your computer processing unit or hard disk drive. At considerable added expense, PAL programmers developed our web sites without the use of cookies, but with all the benefits of easy entry, personalization and server-side storage of need-specific information (your profile).


PAL employs TO protect our data and software on an impenetrable UNIX Apache server. Our benefactor, Logic-Sphere Software Development Group, ensures our web pages are protected from invasion such as SQL injection, WIFI and Bluetooth hacking. We also employ misconduct surveillance, site-steps and anti-theft code on every page. Any intrusion and offense causing a mandatory crime report is prosecuted by Corp Crime Fighters Org to the full extent of the law. There is no known hack or breach of a BlueHost Server in their history.


PAL is PCI DSS L4 compliant and receives WebCheck™ and payment card transactions through BofA merchant services for membership, raffle tickets, gift shop, apparel, memorabilia and other services, but PAL does not receive funds for managed sites like the Virtual Fleet & Lease Offices© or Auto Lease Auctions, Inc.
Car lease payments may, or may not, be collected by PAL depending on the funding source.
WebChecks™ is one of the oldest and most established online check systems with a perfect security record. Members may also make payments directly to us at any Bank of America Branch in the USA, by wire draft, bank draft or direct deposit. PAL Treasury is the only payment depository in our system of members, vendors, sellers, et al. Please report any attempts to collect funds from you for any vehicle transaction to us, 800 339-6989 ext 969, as soon as possible.


PAL will not sell or pass out your information to a third party for any reason unless demand is made by subpoena from a entity. Every visitor's information is held in the strictest confidence.  We furnish an @PAL email account, an email forwarding address, and a toll-free phone number to each member free of charge to further protect your identity and physical location and personal email & phone against unwanted contact at work or home. Our managed sites have similar, but more stringent policy and procedure especially in PAL Auto Divisions.